V Smart Down Well Controls for aquifer storage & recovery
V Smart Down Well Controls for aquifer storage & recovery
Valves & Actuators
Suspended solids, dissolved oxygen & sludge blanket analyzers.
Belt filter presses, sludge thickening, drying systems & polymer feed
On-site tablet chlorination systems for water & wastewater.
Non-contact UV disinfection systems.
Aerobic & Anaerobic digestors, flocculation & grit removal.
Peristaltic pumps, chemical feed systems.
Submersible pumps, grinder pumps & package pump systems.
Gas chlorination, liquid feed systems, scales & leak detection.
Chemical feed pumps, chlorine generators & chemical skid systems.
Pressure transducers for pipelines, wet wells, tanks & wells.
Disc filtration, cooling tower filters & strainers.
Aerobic digesters, fine & coarse bubble diffusers
Cloth media filtration, MBBR, Nitrate & Phosphorus removal.
Built For Life | Custom Fiberglass Shelters
HST Oil Free, Magnetic Bearing Turbo Blowers (AZ)
Turbidity, chlorine, pH & conductivity analyzers.
Flow, level, pressure & temperature instruments.
Twister mixing ozone aerator for H2S, F.O.G. & corrosion control – floating aerators & mixers.
Mechanical, hydraulic & plunger pumps – chemical feed systems.
Ground & surface water treatment systems for Arsenic, Nitrates, Radium, Iron & Manganese.
Engineering and manufacture of custom package or prefab pump stations, control systems and access doors.
Grinders, macerators, replacement grinders & rotary lobe pumps.
V Smart Down Well Controls for aquifer storage & recovery
Suspended solids, dissolved oxygen & sludge blanket analyzers
Belt filter presses, sludge thickening, drying systems & polymer feed
On-site tablet chlorination systems for water & wastewater
Aerobic & Anaerobic digestors, flocculation & grit removal.
Submersible pumps, grinder pumps & package pump systems.
Gas chlorination, liquid feed systems, scales & leak detection.
Chemical feed pumps, chlorine generators & chemical skid systems.
Pressure transducers for pipelines, wet wells, tanks & wells.
Cloth media filtration, MBBR, Nitrate & Phosphorus removal.
Twister mixing ozone aerator for H2S, F.O.G. & corrosion control – floating aerators & mixers.
Mechanical, hydraulic & plunger pumps – chemical feed systems.
Ground & surface water treatment systems for Arsenic, Nitrates, Radium, Iron & Manganese.
Engineering and manufacture of custom package or prefab pump stations, control systems and access doors.
Grinders, macerators, replacement grinders & rotary lobe pumps.
Well submersible pumps, horizontal & vertical booster pumps